A Catholic Church in the Modern World
We gather together to worship God and share God’s love in our lives, and to feast on our bountiful blessings through a Eucharistic meal.
We are a tradition of faith and works, love and action, hope and spiritual transformation. Join us. No matter your personal or faith story, your questions , or your hope, all are welcome.
We are a Catholic tradition inspired by the works of science and the deepest mysteries of God. Our faith is for believers and skeptics alike.
The EVIDENTIAL FAITH PATH: Truth is what logic and evidence point to. God gave us these two faculties for discovering what’s true. Together, we will discover spiritual truth, and ultimately to meet God through Jesus Christ.
It is important to understand how we come to our beliefs so we may better communicate the truth that God really is who He says He is and that His Word can be trusted.
What the Journey Teaches us
The Bible: it’s a Love Letter, not an instruction manual. It is our road map on our spiritual journey, steering us from the pitfalls of sin, and up the mountains of Joy.
God alone knows why and where we travel in our journey, as He has mapped it out for us so that we may best grow, learn, and develop a Deep Love of Christ, and for each other.
The Good Works: Turning to the Bible, we see an expression of love in James 2:15-17 where the Prophet tells us: Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
Our faith requires us to express this love through providing for the poor, hungry, lonely, oppressed and dying.
The Sacramental Gifts of Grace: We turn to the Bible yet again and see how we receive God’s love, grace, protection and forgiveness through the Sacraments of the church.
We celebrate and welcome anyone to receive the Sacraments in our worship and spiritual experiences. We believe that as ministers or witnesses on these gifts, that you have more of a right to receive these gifts than our clergy have a right to give them. No one is denied access to God’s loving grace in this church.
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